WHAT: This is a CO-ED event ♥ All genders welcome
Come learn, play, and dive-deeper into your powerful manifestation center-your THROAT Chakra. A playshop for exploring your own voice, toning, making sounds, singing, unblocking, unlocking your voice- (the soul speaking). The manifestation mechanism for turning the non-physical into the physical. It is from this 5th chakra center, which correlates to the element ETHER, where we will explore different techniques for you to "see" inside the way you communicate and speak your truth more fully in the world.
***I will be bridging the techniques I've learned as a certified Sound Healing practitioner, and from my degree in the academic world of Music, using my experience as a classically trained vocalist.
WHY?: It is imperative that we step up and learn how to fully use and understand this manifestation mechanism to the fullest of our human capabilities, thus creating the world around us in a more conscious way. The 5th chakra is the thoughts we tell ourselves and therefore how we speak and communicate, including our creative expression. Now is the time where we need a race of people to make our world a better place through their/our conscious creations.
HOW:? We will be doing a short introduction on the anatomy of the voice and the energy center itself, we will do chakra toning (all chakra centers) together with various sound healing instruments, a guided MULTI-DIMENSIONAL meditation inward, to see the state of your own throat center using your inner sight, meet with and receive guidance from your guides/ past on loved ones/ etc.; we will do some partnering exercises to assist each other in opening the voice in a safe environment/ container, we will do some songwriting exercises, and lastly close with some "medicine songs."
--->This structure is divinely guided to help unlock and unblock your voice and your way of showing up in the world ♥
WHERE?: We will all meet at Earth & Herbs AZ, downtown Prescott, Arizona.
COST: I am receiving love donations of $55 a person. I accept cash, card, Zelle, Venmo, or Paypal. If you are guided to attend and cannot afford the payment I am open to sliding scale, as I believe in the Aquarian mantra of "THE MORE THE MERRIER." (Limit 20 people).
Feel free to call or text with any questions regarding this event.
@ (808)-634-1463
***Please bring a notebook for songwriting, a noise maker/ musical instrument such as a drum; comfy items to lay down on, comfy clothes to wear, water, and a snack if needed. I will not be providing any drinks or snacks.
Cosmic Blessings,
Morgana )o(
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