Learn to Read Your Astrology Chart
6 Week Astrology Learning Group - Tuition: $350
April 27th - June 1st - Thursdays at 5:30pm - 7:00pm.
Contact Galeet/Your Stars Within:
There is something magical about truly understanding your own
astrology chart. Using my book, Sacred Astrology: The Psychology
of Your Stars Within, (available through me or on Amazon), we will
meet weekly with a small group for 1.5 hours as I guide you through
each part of your chart.
You are light energy in motion. Through the process of becoming
conscious of these fundamental energies, we can begin to work
with life’s rhythms, learning more easily through the lessons
presented, and ride the waves of experience to greater joy and self-
mastery. Understanding your own beautiful energetic pattern will
help you to release old patterns and thrive on your life path. My
intention is to empower you to understand yourself and the spiritual
purpose of the lessons and gifts you incarnated for.