“Kabugaran” is Indonesian for fitness, but it go away deeper than that. Developing self-confidence, deeper personal insights, and confronting personal boundaries, the “hard breath “technique has been at the center of the Merpatiputi martial arts school in Indonesia for over 50 years..
I’ve just studying through a five year intensive training program with Merpatiputi martial arts school in Ogden, Utah, and then working as an assistant instructor for the Vibravision program, Chris Harris, also known as “MAS Haris “has been dedicated to the development of personal empowerment breath, work and developing the ability to comfortably connect with the universal “inner power” or “tenaga dalam.”
Come learn the “heart-core” breathing technique and learn about the upcoming online program.
For more info email Chris mr.christopher.harris@gmail.com or go to https://adaptogenfoundation.org/kebugaran/
$25-$50 sliding scale cash or Venmo