Access Your Heart’s Intelligence!
Learn HeartMath tools and discover “inner coherence” - a physiological state of heart, mind, body, spirit alignment that opens higher levels of perception, inner guidance, and new possibilities!
HeartMath Research Reveals: The heart’s electrical field is 50 to 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical signal of the brain.
HeartMath Research is based on emotions - positive and negative - and their impact on the electrical pattern of the heart.
• Negative feelings like frustration and anger send an incoherent, disharmonious electrical signal to every cell in the body resulting in reduced mental clarity and significant increases in stress related illness.
• Positive feelings like appreciation send a coherent, ordered and harmonious electrical signal to every cell in the body. This results in a high degree of balance and synchronization between cognitive, emotional and physiological processes.
We can train ourselves to send a coherent heart signal bringing balance, optimism, inner guidance and peace into our lives!
Practicing Key HeartMath Tools:
• Creates physiological coherence - an efficient state of integration in the nervous, cardiovascular, hormonal and immune systems.
• Establishes deeper neuropathways of joy and appreciation in the brain and throughout body.
• Provides access to one’s authentic voice within supporting honesty and open-minded communication with others.
• Opens a conscious connection with expansive positive energies and pure potentiality.
HeartMath Tools Key Take Aways -
• Heart Lock-In
• Inner Coherence
• Heart-Head Decision Making
• Energy Accounting
Workshop Details
Date: April 5th
Time: 1-3:00pm
Location: Earth and Herbs Arizona 222 S. Montezuma St.
Cost: Love Offerings Accepted